authentic reflections of a life desired to live well


9 Miles

9 Miles Originally uploaded by Jason Archer This Sunday I ran 9.06 miles. Another milestone. Incredible. It was the hardest run I’ve ever done. Not because of the miles. But because of it just being hard. It’s interesting, last week I ran 8.5 miles on the same trail. For some reason, I felt pretty good and thought I could have run even further. This run was really difficult. It was...


I did my longest run yesterday.  8.5 miles.  1 hour, 35 minutes.  I did it on limited sleep and bad eating.  But I did it.  I feel terrible but awesome at the same time.  Being that we went to Chicago Friday/Saturday and Joel’s [Maust] wedding, I knew that the long run for Saturday would not work.  Joel [Miller] and the fam were coming back from Phoenix Friday, so we decided to wait...


7.5 Originally uploaded by Jason Archer Saturday I hit another milestone. I ran for 1 hour, 22 minutes. 7.5 miles. It was my best run ever. I felt like I could have run another mile at least. Definitely not a “runners high”, but a great feeling of satisfaction. With Joel and Nathan not able to run, I was wondering mentally how I would be able to make it that far. Mick said she’d...

5 Miles

5miles Originally uploaded by Jason Archer This is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. And I thought it was going to be hard. But I’m getting there. Last Saturday I ran 5 miles. This past Saturday I ran 6.5 miles. Our pace had us running 1 hour and 11 minutes. Non-stop. It was my longest run ever, beating my run of 1 hour, eight minutes last summer. It was a hard day and a good...

authentic reflections of a life desired to live well



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