A few years ago I was sitting in my office shaking. In tears. With my door closed. I had just fired someone for the first time. He was a good man. Nice guy. But the direction of where organization needed to go necessitated some change. Hard decisions needed to be made. And I had no idea how to navigate waters like this. I didn’t sleep two...
Five Key Leadership Lessons + One Bonus
Business And Bagels: Why Leadership Matters from Jason Archer Here are some of the additional resources for the presentation: Brene Brown: “The Story I’m Telling Myself” article from INCMichael Hyatt’s Website Heath Brothers “Switch: How to Change when Change is Hard”Jim Collins: “Good to Great”Strengths FinderE-Team...
Apple Messages + iOS Sync
Video Conferencing Etiquette
I’ve been working for over five years on virtual teams. It’s different from working in a traditional office. With a lot of trial and error, I wanted to share my top five list of video conferencing non-negotiables. I’ve also written up a quick post with the specs of the tools I currently use for reference. Maintain eye contact – Â Use front-facing camera I’ve known a...