Inspired by the Verge, I offer my gear list. I currently use two bags for travel – depending on how long the trip is and what I need. Inside my STM Velo 2 Small is the current gear:
- 13″ MBP Retina
- iPad Air with Product (Red) Smart Cover
- Zagg Keyboard
- Evernote Moleskine
- 12 South PlugBug
- Mophie Powerstation
- Bose MIE2i
- Studio Neat Glif
- Studio Neat Cosmonaut
- Jawbone Icon
- Apple DVI to VGA
- Emergency Toiletries
- Instant Coffee
- Starbucks recycled cup sleeve
- Apple microfiber cloth
- Short and long lightning cables
- Apple 60W power cord
- 2′ HDMI cable
- Micro USB charging cord for Mophie and Zagg
- Eagle Creek packing cubes
- Lexar 4GB SD Card
- 30-pin to Lightning Converter
- PNY 64 GB USB Drive

What’s in Your Bag? Comment here or post your pics at the Verge.