Who are you following? Who’s following you?
One of the best books I’ve read on leadership is “The Shaping of an Effective Leader†by a hero of mine, Dr. Gayle D. Beebe. A key ingredient to his success at the highest levels of leadership is that he learned early to value people. A student of Peter Drucker, Beebe writes, “Our basic integrity and character are displayed in our willingness to develop other people.â€

Every one of us is a leader. I’m a father, husband, neighbor, friend and employee. I have many circles of influence. As I develop personal holiness through an examined, grace-filled and accountable life, I can focus on developing others. The process begins with intentionality and vulnerability to open my beauty and ashes to others. It’s risky. It’s also biblical.
As the Free Methodist Church – USA continues to grow, a key value — regardless of church size, location or financial constraints — is that we must develop leaders. Leadership development really is the legacy we leave. Our bishops have identified this as a strategic priority. Read more and gather resources at fmcusa.org/uniquelyfm.
This month, my team at Light & Life Communications has assembled additional articles on developing leaders. Let’s strike up a conversation and embolden each other.  Read More
[…] Â Thanks Hal Conklin, for taking me under your wing. Â Thanks Dr. Beebe for your time and your amazing book. Â Thanks Kelly Soifer for your coaching and tough love. Â Thanks Rob McKenna, for your energy and […]