authentic reflections of a life desired to live well

Leading and Developing

Who are you following? Who’s following you?

One of the best books I’ve read on leadership is “The Shaping of an Effective Leader” by a hero of mine, Dr. Gayle D. Beebe. A key ingredient to his success at the highest levels of leadership is that he learned early to value people. A student of Peter Drucker, Beebe writes, “Our basic integrity and character are displayed in our willingness to develop other people.”

The Shaping of an Effective Leader
Buy it Now on Amazon

Every one of us is a leader. I’m a father, husband, neighbor, friend and employee. I have many circles of influence. As I develop personal holiness through an examined, grace-filled and accountable life, I can focus on developing others. The process begins with intentionality and vulnerability to open my beauty and ashes to others. It’s risky. It’s also biblical.

As the Free Methodist Church – USA continues to grow, a key value — regardless of church size, location or financial constraints — is that we must develop leaders. Leadership development really is the legacy we leave. Our bishops have identified this as a strategic priority. Read more and gather resources at

This month, my team at Light & Life Communications has assembled additional articles on developing leaders. Let’s strike up a conversation and embolden each other.  Read More

About the author


Husband, father, & motorcycle enthusiast. @MSUComArtSci educator. @MSUStratCom admin. @TedLasso student. Aiming for a life well lived.

Follow on @jasonarcher

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By Jason
authentic reflections of a life desired to live well



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