authentic reflections of a life desired to live well

Zaggmate ipad Keyboard/Case Review

The iPad has changed the way I work. Being someone who travels frequently, I have been on a search to keep size and weight down and productivity up. I found the beginnings of this with the “magical and revolutionary” iPad. I’ve been putting it through it’s paces for a few months now and would like to review one tool I’ve used to increase my productivity and efficiency:  The Zaggmate case with keyboard for iPad.


When I got my first iPad, I was carrying a 15″ MacBook Pro.  I was hoping that the iPad could substitute for my Mac when I was traveling and allow the notebook to stay home.  I’m a business executive, so I anticipated it would require some effort, but the payoff could be great with a more simple and lighter productivity solution. As I found out, I was wrong.

Zaggmate iPad Keyboard

I wanted to figure out the best cases, sleeves, and accessories for my iPad.  I originally bought a silicone case to prevent scratches as well Targus Crave Case to protect it while traveling. Once I noticed that typing on the virtual keyboard in meetings could slow me down, I decided to purchase the Apple wireless keyboard to help me out.  To provide me with a few options for positioning my new iPad, I bought the Compass Mobile Stand.  At this point, I had about $1000 into my 16 GB 3g (AT&T) iPad, accessories included.  To make matters worse, I now had several additional accessories and weight.  And the iPad couldn’t do everything my Mac could do.  I was now weighted down with two devices and multiple accessories.  Not good.  That’s when I stumbled upon the Zaggmate.

At first glance, it seemed to meet every need I had in one design.  It could be a case, sleeve, and keyboard.  It could protect the iPad and  allow me to eliminate the accessories. This would allow meetings, note taking, and productivity to go up.  I bought one and gave it a spin.


Zaggmate On a PlaneAt first glance, the Zagg is gorgeous.  The finish mimics the iPad and it doesn’t add much to the thickness of the device. It fits snuggly around the iPad.  For me, here’s where it begins to go downhill.

  • I had trouble getting the Zagg to connect to my iPad via Bluetooth.
  • The cable and connection to charging the Zagg was flimsy.
  • The keyboard connection chronically was in and out.
  • The plastic device that folds to allow the iPad to sit in the keyboard was flimsy and cracked.

I decided to chalk this up as a lemon and exchanged it for another Zaggmate.  Within a day, the flimsy folding plastic device broke again.  I returned the second and haven’t looked back.

I know the Zaggmate cases have won awards as “The Best Portable Keyboard“.  However, as someone who is a patient early adopter, I found the Zaggmate case to be more cumbersome than useful.

Your Turn

Have an iPad? Found some useful accessories to help you be productive in your workplace?  Post comments below and let the conversation begin.

About the author


Husband, father, & motorcycle enthusiast. @MSUComArtSci educator. @MSUStratCom admin. @TedLasso student. Aiming for a life well lived.

Follow on @jasonarcher

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By Jason
authentic reflections of a life desired to live well



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